CrossFit Workout of the Day: July 15thAMRAP x 24mins24 Toe to bar12 Snatches12 OH Squats24 Toe To Bar10 Snatches10 OH Squats24 Toe To Bar8 Snatches8 OH SquatsKeep reducing the Snatch and OH Squats until the round of 2RX = 50/35kgFeel = MuscularPace = Sustain Duration = Long
AMRAP x 24mins24 Toe to bar12 Snatches12 OH Squats24 Toe To Bar10 Snatches10 OH Squats24 Toe To Bar8 Snatches8 OH SquatsKeep reducing the Snatch and OH Squats until the round of 2RX = 50/35kgFeel = MuscularPace = Sustain Duration = Long